Manga Studio For Dummies Now Available!


One of the reasons that I’ve been off the radar here and elsewhere (aside from just being a poor communicator all around) was because I was busy for most of 2007 writing my first book.

A Dummies Book. On Manga Studio.

For those that don’t know what Manga Studio is, it’s pretty much like Photoshop. Except (mostly) focusing on black and white work, like manga. And it does a really good job of mimicking various pens and brushes. And you can add screen tones. Oh! — and it has virtual rulers and guides.

Trust me, it’s a really good program. In fact the last half of Chapter 6 of Chibi Cheerleaders From Outer Space was done entirely with Manga Studio. And now I’ve written a book on the program to help both new users and ones who might not know of the full potential the program has.

If you’re interested, check out the Manga Studio For Dummies Blog. I created it with the intention of answering questions, and elaborating on topics within the book that I didn’t have time to cover due to page count restrictions. Plus, there are links to where you can purchase the book online.

It was really an interesting experience, and I hope you get to check it out at your local bookstore.